Irem Duman

Doctoral Researcher, Marketing

Irem studied psychology for her bachelors and masters degrees – focusing on vision and imagery experiences. Her masters thesis used the Drift Diffusion Model (DDM) and psychological stimuli to understand when decisions become conscious.

As a doctoral researcher at Vlerick and KU Leuven, she now explores the intersection of cognitive psychology and business economics, with a specific focus on marketing.

Her research investigates the relationship between consumers, managers and algorithms – with the aim of enhancing decision-making strategies. She is particularly interested in how humans and algorithms work together to make better decisions.

Irem’s objectives include exploring when algorithmic decision-making is better than human decision-making – and the mechanisms at work. She is dedicated to broadening acceptance of algorithm-generated decisions in marketing. Her special focus is the role and reception of algorithms in ethical and moral decision-making contexts.

Who am I?

  • Doctoral Researcher at Vlerick Business School and KU Leuven
  • Master in Psychology: Theory and Research at KU Leuven
  • Bachelor in Psychology at Sabanci University (Turkey)

My expertise

  • Cognitive psychology
  • Consumer behaviour