‘Fundamentally rethinking business processes is the next step in digitisation’

Take the Lead in Digital

Businesses and organisations need to be fully aware that they are facing a wave of digital acceleration – and that they can’t afford to miss the boat. This advice comes from Marion Debruyne, Dean at Vlerick Business School.

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Following the development of PCs, the internet and mobile technology, we are entering a new digital age, with artificial intelligence (AI) set to play an important role. However, there is no need for businesses and organisations to fear AI and other such new technologies. ‘Businesses will not be outcompeted by AI, rather by competitors who are able to integrate technology and digitisation into their business processes more effectively’, says Debruyne.


Organisations need to surf the new wave of digitisation and engage with it on two levels. ‘Firstly, they have to use this new technology to optimise their business processes. How can they use technology and digitisation to make these processes faster, more efficient, cheaper, more effective and more consumer friendly? In doing so, they also need to approach new technologies as business opportunities by asking themselves what new business models they can develop based on them. Both aspects are essential’, says Debruyne.


Marion Debruyne, Dean at Vlerick Business School (© Emy Elleboog).

The dean emphasises that the changes on the horizon offer more opportunities than threats for businesses and organisations. ‘We have learned from previous waves of digitisation that you do not always need to be the pioneer. The “fast second” strategy  can equally prove highly effective and efficient. This may reassure businesses, in that they do not necessarily have to be far ahead of the field. However, they do need to keep up and dare to take part.’


Many businesses are already using AI tools. While that is a good thing in itself, it is not enough. As Debruyne explains, ‘we need to make a distinction between superficial and deep-rooted adoption of new technology. For example, many businesses now use Copilot or ChatGPT on an everyday basis. While that is a form of digitisation, it does not constitute a rethinking of fundamental business processes, which is the next crucial step.

The Take The Lead study programme, a collaboration between publisher Mediafin and Vlerick Business School, aims to prepare organisations and their employees for that vital next step. ‘The biggest challenge with digitisation is the misconception that it is only a question of technology. In fact, it is about people, change management, strategy and rethinking the business model. It confronts us with fundamental questions, such as “what does the market demand?” and “are we in a position to respond?”. Digitisation encompasses much more than technology alone’, says Debruyne.


Debruyne stresses that Take The Lead is a unique programme for our country. Besides focusing on technology, the programme also considers how it is used within organisations. Peer-to-peer learning also plays an important role. Learning with and from one another constitutes a far more enriching experience than learning alone.

Another key innovation offered by the programme is the ‘digital scan’ diagnostic tool, which acts as a compass for participants’ personal situation, business and organisation. It is an indication of what they can and should be working on.


The study programme has already been running for several years, making reliable evaluation possible. ‘It is predominantly an online process, complimented by a few face-to-face sessions. Everyone finishes the programme without dropping out, with participant feedback indicating that it has helped them gain the confidence needed to apply what they have learned in practice.’

The programme is adapted every year. In the next edition, AI will play a greater role, with more attention to be paid on the ethical aspect of digitisation. ‘Digital technologies are evolving rapidly. Our educational programme must not be left behind’, Debruyne concludes.

Want to prepare for that crucial next step in digitisation? Register for the Take the Lead Digital study programme at tijd.be/takethelead or scan the QR code.