SIX BATTERIES OF CHANGE 16 It is important to create energy that is channeled into purposeful action. Only then is high energy productive and will it yield organizational benefits. Although organizational energy is an emerging concept in the academic and busi- ness literature, there is evidence that productive energy is positively correlated with company performance. Productive energy affects profitability and produc- tivity, and has a significant effect on customer loyalty and employee commitment.7 Our research confirms that energy today drives tomorrow’s performance. Companies with high levels of (productive) energy are better performers but are also better at change. Six sources of organizational energy Having established that organizational energy is a critical factor in successful ad- aptation, we were led to ask: why do certain companies have such low or negative energy levels, and what are the sources of energy loss that make strategic change projects fail? We found multiple sources of energy loss in organizations (see Fig- ure 2), which we grouped according to meaningful themes that we’ve come to call our ‘six batteries of change’. Strategic objectives Strategic choices Portfolio management Environmental scanning Ambition level Sense-making External networking Power dynamics Rewarding Self- assessment Value systems Result-based performance (KPIs) Program management Champions League Learning system Coaching Trust level Kübler/Ross Participation Structures roles and responsibilities Project management Recognition Top management coalition Meeting management Visual management Master planning Team management and development Influence strategies Conflict management Resistance Communica- tion system Commitment level Open communi- cation Education and training Organiza- tional energy Resource management Competence management Knowledge management system Resource management (IT, HR, fin, material) Challenging questions Ownership Stakeholder management (internal) Sense of urgency Master planning Performance measurement system Performance review Figure 2 • Sources of energy loss in change8