Visiting Professor of Nonmarket Strategies
The electricity landscape is in a state of flux, not least due to the increasing integration of renewable energy sources and distributed generation. This has sparked growing interest in energy storage, arguably an important part of the renewable energy mix.
How can energy storage be used and integrated into existing power systems, in both residential and industrial environments? This is the key question the STORY project aims to address. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, STORY is a five-year research project analysing new energy storage technologies and their benefits. It features six demonstration case studies and involves 18 partner institutions in seven European countries. One of these partner institutions is Vlerick Business School. In a context where several different actors can use storage assets, it is essential to identify business models and regulation that will make energy storage sustainable, which is exactly where our expertise lies. We have taken the lead on the business cases supporting the rollout of electricity storage at the distribution level of the grid; more specifically, on those business cases revolving around the challenges of storage deployment and the interaction between the business models and the enabling market and regulatory context.
On 30 November 2018 Vlerick Business School therefore organised the STORY seminar on Business Models and Regulation for Storage with the aim of providing a platform for researchers and industry players to meet and discuss the state of the art in research and practice on the integration of storage technologies.
This white paper presents the findings and insights from studies conducted under the umbrella of the STORY project, as well as from various experts at the November seminar.