Jens Bontinck

Lecturer of Machine Learning

Jens works in the Office of the CTO at ML6, a leading machine learning and AI company. His role focuses on finding game-changing uses of AI, fuelled by Generative AI. With extensive experience in technology and AI strategy, Jens is a highly knowledgeable and passionate tech leader. He challenges the status quo by sharing his thoughts on the current and future AI evolution.

Starting his career as a developer at Realdolmen, Jens gained a mass of technical experience. He then moved into digital strategy at LoQutus, part of the Möbius group. Now, Jens uses his technical and strategic experience to deliver innovative and competitive insights.

At Vlerick, Jens designs and teaches the Machine Learning course on our Masters in General Management, Business Analytics and AI programme. He also works alongside Professor Philippe Baecke to deliver the Deep Learning course.

Who am I?

  • Lecturer at Vlerick Business School
  • Master in Information Engineering Technology at Ghent University

My expertise

  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Cloud platforms
  • Data visualisation
  • Programming languages