Tim Verdonck is a statistics and data science professor at the University of Antwerp, where he teaches probability and statistics at bachelor level and advanced analytics and actuarial courses at masters level. He is affiliated with KU Leuven’s Robust Statistics research group, ROBUST@Leuven – and previously taught at the University of Bologna and Université Catholique de Louvain.
Tim’s work concentrates on data science, statistical and machine learning with a focus on finance and insurance problems. He has done extensive research on fraud detection, insurance pricing, robust statistics, anomaly detection and dimension reduction techniques.
In the business world, Tim was co-founder and managing partner of Boltzmann, a team of machine learning experts. Boltzmann was acquired by Silverfin in 2021. He also co-founded of BlueCourses, a platform for online analytics courses. Together with Bart Baesens, he authored the DataCamp courses Fraud Detection in R and Data-Driven Decision Making in SQL.
At Vlerick, Tim is co-director of the Centre for Financial Leadership & Digital Transformation.
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