How have Belgium’s banks been performing lately? To answer this question, Vlerick’s Centre for Financial Services undertook a study to develop a scorecard for assessing bank performance in the Belgian banking industry.
In collaboration with Vlerick Prime Foundation Partner KPMG, Vlerick’s Professor André Thibeault, Corneel Defrancq and Jessie Vantieghem conducted a large research project to study the financial sector in Belgium from 2001 - 2010. The goal of the study was to develop a scorecard for assessing the Belgian banks’ performance. The researchers used a multi-factors approach to make sure performance was assessed under 3 different dimensions: the value chain, the financial performance (breakdown of the ROE), and the risk-return trade-off.
These performance measures were applied to 4 different segments of the Belgian banking landscape, based on the size of the banks (defined by their total assets) or based on their type of activities or revenues:
Stated very briefly, here are some of the study’s findings:
Download the full research report: "A scorecard for bank performance: the Belgian Banking Industry.”