The acquisition of Eeckeleers

Kathy Van Damme, Entrepeneurial Buyout Academy 2021

Last year, Kathy Van Damme took over Eeckeleers L.ECL, a business active in crane rental, excavation work and special transport. To prepare for the acquisition, Kathy attended the Entrepreneurial Buyout Academy in 2021.


What insight did you gain during the course that could provide a solution to one of the challenges you face as a business?

The statistics for taking over a business are much more favourable than those for starting a new business. While a new starter company (and not simply a consultancy job) has a less than 20% chance of surviving after five years, the chance of an acquired business doing so is over 80%.

At first glance it seems cheaper and easier to start your own business, but the reality and the statistics say otherwise.

What did you do with this insight in practical terms? What actions did you take? 

For many people, taking over a company is uncharted territory and therefore not seen as a feasible option.

This programme gives you the practical tools you need to learn the nuts and bolts of a business takeover, what the financial options are and how you can implement a takeover in practice. Furthermore, it puts you into contact with bankers, brokers and investors who can provide further assistance with the takeover process.

Thanks to this programme, business acquisitions are not confined to private equity companies or investors; anyone can learn how to implement them!

What impact did putting the insight into practice have for you?

Last year, I took over a business. The knowledge and contacts I built up during the programme enabled me to do this.

I would recommend this programme to anyone with ambition!

Get in touch!

Sylien Kesteleyn

Sylien Kesteleyn

Portfolio Manager