How Vlerick helped Mario secure his dream role at Google

Mario Vanderlinden, Sales Strategy and Operations Manager at Google (New York), Masters in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 2018-2019

21 May 2024

Mario Vanderlinden had already achieved a Masters in Business Engineering – and worked as a logistics assistant and market analyst. But he was eager to gain a more comprehensive understanding of business – and take his career to the next level.

He says: “I wanted to develop my leadership, management, negotiation and presentation skills. And I wanted to dive deep into innovation, entrepreneurship and digital marketing – all skills my previous Masters didn’t cover.”

With a passion for tech – and aspirations to work abroad – Mario knew a Masters at Vlerick would open a world of opportunity.

He says: “I was eager to explore different industries and roles – and better understand myself to find a career I was passionate about. I knew I wanted to work outside of Belgium, and that Vlerick’s global reputation would help me achieve my dreams.”

Alumni that create impact

But it was Vlerick’s vast alumni network that convinced Mario to take the leap. “Vlerick’s alumni are incredible. Felix Van De Maele is a great example – he’s the CEO of Collibra, the first unicorn in Belgium. Knowing that all these successful people studied at Vlerick – and would be part of my network – meant I knew I was choosing the right school,” says Mario.

Mario also wanted a Masters programme that would give him hands-on experience – and the opportunity to work with fantastic companies.

He says: “I aspire to follow in my parents’ footsteps and launch my own business one day. And that’s why I chose the Masters in Innovation and Entrepreneurship programme. The business environment is so different to when my parents started out. I wanted to learn how to start a business – and how to grow my network.”

Building a network that spans the globe

“Vlerick is a special place to study – it’s so international and you spend all your time speaking English. As soon as you step into Vlerick, you’re immersed in a world of inspiration and expert guidance,” says Mario.

A major highlight of Mario’s time at Vlerick was the people he met – and the relationships he built.

He says: “I love being surrounded by people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. You can learn so much from different mindsets and ways of thinking. That’s why I loved Vlerick – it’s a truly international environment. You’re encouraged to speak English throughout the programme, so you really get into that international mindset.”

A year of highlights

Another major highlight for Mario was the international aspect of the programme. He says: “We visited Silicon Valley to learn about start-ups and scale-ups – and to tour Google and other big tech companies. We also visited Amsterdam to speak to organisations there. It was so valuable to visit different countries and see how business practices change across the world.

“I loved the Silicon Valley trip. It was a unique opportunity to travel together as a class and build lifelong relationships. We learned about how the businesses operate – and the challenges they’re facing.”

As part of his programme, Mario took part in a consultancy project with Belgian investment fund, Sofina.

He says: “It was a fantastic opportunity to put my learning into practice. We analysed a new industry and explored whether it would be worth investing in. The people at Sofina were incredible – and I’m still in touch with some of them now.”

But it wasn’t just trips outside the school that Mario loved. He says: “All of my courses were fantastic because the faculty are so passionate about what they do. The course on social entrepreneurship was really empowering – it was interesting to focus on the social side of business, rather than just making money. I still use the skills I learned at Vlerick in my career today.”

Without Vlerick, their careers team – and the incredible alumni network – I never would have got my job at Google.
Mario Vanderlinden
Sales Strategy and Operations Manager at Google (New York), Masters in Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2018-2019

Gaining an entrepreneurial mindset

“Vlerick has such a strong focus on entrepreneurship,” says Mario. “As part of my programme, I founded a holiday booking platform with a few of my classmates. The process taught me the value of working as a team – and not going it alone.

“We all had different backgrounds, and at first I thought ‘How is this going to work? We’re never going to be on the same page…’. But I quickly found that all the discussions we had allowed us to create better outcomes. That’s why it’s important to have a positive and open mindset. At the end of the project, we pitched our idea and had some interest from investors.”

And Vlerick’s entrepreneurial influence didn’t stop there. Mario says: “In Belgium, everyone sees failing as a bad thing. It was only at Vlerick that I realised failing is a good thing. It’s something you need to embrace to become successful. Taking risks, being okay with failure and having an open mindset are all encouraged at Vlerick.

“They give you a safe space to fail – and they really encourage you to think big and learn from your mistakes. And that’s incredibly valuable. It’s how I improve every single day.”

Developing the skills to succeed

Mario credits Vlerick with helping him to secure his current role.

“I became more resilient at Vlerick,” he says. “While working at Google in Dublin, I got rejected for a few New York-based roles. And then I landed a job the next time I applied. Imagine if I’d stopped after one or two rejections – I never would have got this fantastic role. That’s why it’s important to keep going and always give everything 100%.”

In fact, Mario says one of his biggest take-aways from Vlerick has been improving his confidence – and developing as a communicator.

 “I’d always wanted to pursue a career abroad – but I was lacking the confidence to take the leap. The Masters programme and faculty empowered me to pursue a career abroad. And they taught me the invaluable skills of becoming a good colleague – and learning to be a good listener.”

A careers team that gives you the edge

Mario took full advantage of Vlerick’s dedicated careers and coaching team. He says: “I’d already applied for my first job at Google when I started at Vlerick. So I met with the careers team and told them about the role.

“They helped me tailor my CV to what Google were looking for. They also put me in touch with an alumnus working at Google who guided me through the interviews and screening stages – and helped me land my first role.”

In fact, the careers team helped Mario connect with a wide range of alumni. He says: “For every job I applied for, I spoke to an alumnus who works inside the organisation about their experience, what the company’s like – and what they’re expecting from new graduates. Those conversations helped me succeed in my interviews.

“Without Vlerick, their careers team – and the incredible alumni network – I never would have got my job at Google.”

Finding a career you love

After completing his Masters, Mario found his next role at Google – first in Dublin, and now in New York City. He says: “I’m now working in sales strategy where I’m able to apply the innovative mindset I learned at Vlerick in our internal processes. I’m able to rethink how we shape our programmes for the sales teams – and how we can deliver a better customer experience.

“One of my main takeaways from the programme is the frameworks and theories I learned. Every class and project pushed me to my limits – and helped me reach new heights. I use the skills, frameworks and mindset I developed at Vlerick every day.

“I think it’s extremely important to be open minded and to try new things. I loved my time at Vlerick – and without it, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’d recommend anyone considering Vlerick to take the leap – you won’t regret it.”