Ideas, insights, inspiration

Creating Business Value with AI and Big Data

A management consultant discusses what she experienced in the ‘Creating Business Value with AI and Big Data’ programme – from new knowledge to more confidence.


My educational background is in Computer Science. After gaining business knowledge and experience in IT and managerial functions in a software development context, I became a management consultant.

Before participating in the programme, I knew the basics of data analysis and was actively following AI news. I registered for the programme in order to broaden – and fill gaps in – my knowledge. In particular, I wanted to learn how to recognise more possibilities in the use of data, how and when to make decisions based on data, and what the organisation should look like.

Ideas, insights, inspiration

A lot of examples and sources were shared during the programme. Stories from people in the AI field make the topic very tangible and automatically generate a lot of ideas. The other participants come from diverse backgrounds, which adds richness to the discussions, insights and inspiration. Moreover, I found the combination of different ways of learning – classroom, self-study, project – to be another plus point for the programme.

More confidence

In addition to increasing my knowledge, the programme made me more aware of skills and background that I already have, which are very useful in the data/AI context: for example, skills in change management and in facilitating business and IT working closely together. The new knowledge and awareness have certainly raised my confidence and made me eager to apply what I have learned.

Growing data maturity

At my new company, we’ve started a data maturity facilitation format to get a better view on our (and others’) current data maturity. This is the ideal starting point for a data strategy and roadmap, and it provides new consulting business.

My desire to use the power of data and to grow our data maturity has increased. The programme also gave me a better view on the data role that would suit me best – like adapting an organisation to mine the full potential out of data, spotting data opportunities, and building data business cases.

In sum, I would recommend this programme to everyone who is looking for a broader view on data – with regard to content as well as using and applying data at the organisational level.

Nele Van Beveren, Management Consultant, Lifepowr

Participant Creating Business Value with AI and Big Data

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