SME Excellence: Katrien's story

Katrien Vanbroekhoven is co-founder of Oh My Party, Exclusive Event Styling for B2B clients. She runs the business with her sister and is based near Ghent.


What insight did you gain during the programme that may provide an answer to one of your challenges as a business?

As a young and growing business, we face a large number of challenges. The interesting thing about the programme is how you learn to focus. You learn to look at your business with new eyes, which makes it far easier to take a structured, step-by-step approach to the challenges. 

All aspects of business operations are covered one step at a time: devising a strategy, implementing that strategy and carrying it through into every choice that you make, such as your HR policy, R&D, sales, and so on. Not only do you look at your own business from a meta perspective, but you also analyse the DNA of both your business and yourself as an entrepreneur through scientifically substantiated questionnaires. The insights you gain as a result can sometimes be extremely surprising..

What did you do with the insight in practical terms? What measures did you implement?

It soon became clear that our business is aiming for product leadership. However, we became aware – especially after the business panel’s feedback – that this was inadequately expressed in the choices we were making. That meant that (potential) customers did not clearly understand what we stood for. Consequently, we got back around the table and carefully examined our strategy and its implementation in the light of the insight we had gained. 

We tackled the lack of focus by dividing our company into two business units, each with a clear medium-to-long-term strategy and goals. 

In order to achieve these goals, a series of changes were inevitable. For example, the clear choice in favour of product leadership led to our purchasing a new warehouse which is completely focused on innovation. The innovation pathway was formalised, job descriptions were adjusted in line with the strategy, the customers for both business units were clearly defined, and so on.

What impact did you create by giving the insight a concrete form?

We chiefly work on a project-by-project basis, in a sector that is highly seasonal. It was a priority for us to generate a more stable income stream throughout the year. 

The division into two business units ensured that we could approach our customers with a much clearer story, and now this is already bearing fruit: for the first time since our foundation we have won contracts more than six months prior to delivery. 

The programme has generated huge internal dynamism as well. Our designers, stylists and project manager are enthusiastic about their new roles. The fact that they have now been given clear goals is certainly part of the reason why. 

We have consciously chosen to involve the whole team in the changes: from the focus within the business units to the new name and determining the content of their own role; at each step we have listened to everyone. As a result, our team has grown closer. Everyone is now working towards a common goal.

2016 Experience Vlerick Day

Are you also an SME owner who is eager to professionalise and raise your business to a higher level? The SME Excellence programme empowers you to tackle your growth plans through a combination of management skills and coaching, focusing on both your company’s growth and your own personal growth

Get in touch!

Fanny Verhauwaert

Fanny Verhauwaert

Programme Manager