What knowledge and skills do marketeers need to be in possession of today to reclaim their place in the C-suite? How can we help overworked marketeers to undergo additional training with the goal of being able to lead client-focused innovation and transformation pathways? In reply to those questions, the Belgian Association of Marketing (BAM), together with the leading Belgian business schools Vlerick Business School and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, is launching the Institute for Meaningful Marketing (IMM).
Jointly, they are extending a helping hand to marketeers with a targeted offering of 8 modules, a personal assessment, and support with identifying the gaps and selecting the right modules from the range on offer. Students can also be awarded a Certificate for Meaningful Marketing.
The Institute for Meaningful Marketing is aimed at companies and organisations that want to make a difference, and are not merely chasing profit and shareholder value, but truly want to help to achieve the social development goals (SDGs) and thus make the world a better place.
“What lies behind the foundation of The Institute for Meaningful Marketing is the belief that successful innovation and transformation must be client-focused,” explains Dominique Vercraeye, Co-Founder of The Chosen Group and Chair of the IMM Steering Committee. “With the IMM, our ambition is to help future senior marketeers acquire the right skills or further hone them so that they can guide a company or organisation through the necessary transformation. This is how Belgian marketeers will become part of the Meaningful Marketing Movement.”
To prepare marketeers to be representatives of the Meaningful Marketing Movement, BAM has worked with the leading schools to create a training and certification pathway, tailored to each individual marketeer. Irene Personne, CEO & Founder of Personne Consulting, explains this method: “A marketeer has to know whether they are ready to become the driving force behind the change. That’s why we have worked with Vlerick Business School and Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management to create a participant-specific assessment and training pathway which is targeted to the skills the marketeer lacks or needs to develop further.”
“Marketeers are forces for positive change, who dare to take a leap forward. This mission chimes closely with Vlerick’s DNA and is the core reason why we support the Institute for Meaningful Marketing’s initiative,” says Marion Debruyne, Dean of Vlerick Business School.
“It is our mission to challenge both young and experienced and critical thinkers to push the boundaries of the existing economic system and become tomorrow’s leaders,” explains Benjamin Beeckmans, Director of Company-Specific Programmes at Solvay Brussels School. “A strong, constructive collaboration with the Belgian Association of Marketing therefore makes perfect sense. With a sharp focus on knowledge exchange, individual development and multiple networking opportunities, this programme is essential for every marketeer who wants to take themselves or their business to the next level. Moreover, it links seamlessly with the fundamental objectives of the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. With our extensive expertise in strategic innovation, data strategy and digital transformation, we're convinced that we will be able to make a constructive contribution to this programme.”
The Belgian Association of Marketing (BAM) is the most important community of marketing and media specialists in Belgium. BAM’s mission is to transform marketing into a meaningful approach, Meaningful Marketing, which guides entrepreneurs, companies and organisations in their transformation towards client-centricity. BAM focuses on four areas: innovation technology, data, (digital) media and privacy. It does this by organising meaningful events, working collaboratively on initiatives with partners, delivering training courses, and exerting influence on policy (legislation, lobbying).