Authentication & login


Here you find the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about signing in and getting access to Vlerick applications. If you're still stuck trying to sign in to one of our applications or you have questions about your MyVlerick account, please contact the Vlerick Service Desk via

FAQ about signing in

How to activate the MyVlerick account?

To activate the MyVlerick account, please follow these steps:

  1. Check your email for an activation message.
    Look for an account activation email sent from to your personal email address. Check your spam or junk folder if it’s not in your inbox.

    If you don’t find your activation email, you can start with the next step: Go to the password reset page.
  2. Go to the password (re)set page (= ‘forgot password’ link)

    Open the (Re)set Password page.
    Enter your MyVlerick account username, which is the email address specified in your activation email. Use the following guidelines to identify the correct email address:
    • Degree students (MBA/ Masters/ Executive PhD): use your email address as your username.
    • Non-degree students (Open Programmes): any email address may be used.
    • Vlerick Business School Staff: Use your address. If unsure, try entering different email addresses you have.

      After entering your username, you’ll see a notification confirming that a password reset email is sent to your private email address.
  3. Check your email inbox for the email that contains the password reset link
    Go to your private email inbox and find the password reset email. Click the link provided in this email and follow the instructions.
  4. Set your password
    Enter a new password for your MyVlerick account, confirm it, and submit.
  5. Complete account activation
    Once your password is set, your MyVlerick account will be activated.
  6. Sign in to MyVlerick
    Go to, sign in with your MyVlerick account, and access the applications you need for your journey at Vlerick.



What to do if I forgot the username (email address) of my MyVlerick account?

A username is always an email address.

You can find this email address in the 'MyVlerick account' activation mail

These rules can help: 

  1. Degree students (MBA / Masters/ Executive PhD): use your email address
  2. Non-degree students (Open Programmes): all types of email addresses are allowed.
    Retry with different email addresses you have. 
  3. Vlerick Business School Staff: use your address

If you still can't remember your username, contact our Service Desk.

How do I know if I have a MyVlerick account?

If you participated in a Vlerick programme since 2009 and you got access to a learning platform or other applications, you have likely been given a MyVlerick account. ​

This is what you need to know:​

  • Your MyVlerick account includes a username (an email address) and a password you set yourself.​
  • If you’re unsure about your username, it might be:​
      • the email address you were provided.​
      • Another email address you use.​

Still unsure? Contact our Service Desk for help.​

What to do if I forgot my password?

Go to Vlerick | Reset password and enter the email address of your MyVlerick account.

Help! I’m stuck in a loop trying to sign in.

Solution: end the current browser session and try again in a new private (or Incognito) browser session.

How do you start a private browser session? 

  • Windows, Linux, Chrome os:  
    Press 'Ctrl + Shift + n' in your browser 
  • On your Android phone or tablet, open Chrome Chrome:
    To the right of the address bar, tap More and then New Incognito tab.

Which profile do I need to select?

Everybody has at least one 'profile' (also referred to as 'persona'). This is a digital identity associated with specific rules. 

When accessing certain applications, you may be prompted to select a profile. You need to choose the appropriate profile for that application. In doubt, reach out to your contact person at Vlerick.

These rules can help:​

  • Always use your Participant profile to access your mailbox. ​
  • Use your Alumnus profile if you are accessing alumni-related services.​

What if I didn’t select the correct ‘profile’ ?

If you selected the wrong profile, just close the current browser session, start a new browser session (incognito / private session helps) and continue in the new browser session to select the correct 'profile’.​

Example: you selected the 'Participant' profile, but you had to select 'Alumnus’ or vice versa.'

Where do I find the Vlerick applications I need?

Navigate to and sign in with your MyVlerick account and password.
Under 'My apps' you find the links to your Vlerick applications.

FAQ about 2-Step Authentication​ or Multi Factor Authentication

Why Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

At Vlerick Business School, we value your data protection. To strengthen digital security and better protect your account and sensitive information, two-step authentication will be activated as from the week of 13 January 2025.​

This additional layer of protection significantly reduces the risk of unauthorised access to your account. No action is required until you see a prompt asking you to activate 2-step authentication. We also refer to 2-step authentication as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).​

We advise you to install the Authenticator app on 2 devices to ensure you have a backup if your main device is not available.​

How to activate MFA?

Install the Trustbuilder Authenticator app on your mobile device and follow these steps (it only takes about 2 minutes).



  1. Start the app and check “I agree” & click [VALIDATE].​
  2. Now you can enter the activation code you see on your screen. ​(or you can scan the QR code with the button below [Scan QR Code] make sure to enter with the [ v ] button.​
  3. You need to set a PIN Code and confirm it.​
  • Tip: minimum 4 digits, make sure to look at the numbered keys as they are scrambled. ​
  • You need to remember this code as you will need it all the time. ​
  • When available on your device: a good alternative for the PIN Code is to activate your Biokey:
  • Click “My Account”.​
  • Click “register your Biokey”.​
  • Click “register”.​
  • Enter your PIN code.​
  • Configure or “register your Biokey” (finger / face).​

We advise you to install the Authenticator App on another device to ensure you have a backup if your main device is not available. See further in this FAQ how you can do this.​

installation guide:

Is the Authenticator app also available for my computer?

Yes! You can install the app and activate it with your mobile Authenticator app.​

Apple - Microsoft Store

See “How to active MFA on a second device”

How to active MFA on a second device.

• Install the authenticator 6 app on your second device.

• Open this app and click on “I agree” and [VALIDATE].

• Open the app on your first device and go to “My Devices” , enter PIN.

• Click on [+ Add a device].

• Enter PIN again.

• This creates an Activation Code. 

• On your second device enter that code in your app. 

• Enter with the SAME PIN Code as your first device app.

installation guide:

What to do if I cannot install the Authenticator app?

Solution: Try using another mobile device, such as a tablet or a private mobile phone, to install the Authenticator app.​

I don’t have my mobile device with the Authenticator app installed with me. How can I sign in?

If you have installed the Authenticator app on another device, use that one to sign in. If not, you won’t be able to access your MyVlerick account until you have your device

I lost my mobile device. What should I do?

Contact our Service Desk to link your account to a new device and disconnect the old one.​

I have a new mobile device, what should I do?

First install the Authenticator app on your new device, using your old device. Then you can remove your old device from the Authenticator app.

Follow the instructions of “How to active MFA on a second device”

When finished, you can remove the app from your old device.

• On your new device, go to the authenticator app, go to “My Devices”, enter PIN

• Click on the Trash Bin next to your “Old Device name”

• Confirm to delete: click on [VALIDATE]

I forgot my PIN Code, now what?

Go to this online form. Or call + 32 9 210 9724 to ask for a new RESET Code.​

  • On your app, go to 👤 My account, click ⭯ Reset My Pin Code, enter the reset code.​
  •  Enter your new PIN Code, verify.​

Attention: the reset code is only valid for 30 minutes!

How can I change my PIN?

On your app, go to 👤 My Account, 🔑Change your PIN. ​

Enter your current PIN code, enter new PIN Code and confirm.

My app does not show the notification to authenticate

On your app, click on the first button, “Vlerick Production – Authorize a connection”.​

You might check your notification settings of the individual app on your mobile device.

Can I use another Authenticator app than the TrustBuilder Authenticator?

No, not yet.

How often do I need to authenticate myself?

You only need to authenticate via the Authenticator app when starting a new session in your browser. This happens regularly, such as when you log in after closing your browser or after a period of inactivity.​

I want to know more about the options and different buttons on the Authenticator 6 app​.

Start Screen.​

There are 4 options (buttons) available on your start screen.​

1. Vlerick Production (Authorize a connection)​

(If you are waiting to get authorized but the app does not respond to this request, you can try to click on this to initiate the sync)​

2. Generate an OTP (This option is not in use)​

3. My Devices (Pin Code needed)​

(The list of all your devices that can be used to get authorized)​

Options are: Add or remove a device, rename each device, or lock them)​

4. My Account​

  •  Change your PIN​
  •  Reset my PIN Code​
      • Antiphishing (currently not in use at the startup phase)​
      • Account recovery (currently not in use at the startup phase)​
      • Register your Bio Key  (alternative to the PIN Code, you can either authenticate with a fingerprint (Android/iOS)  or facial (iOS))​

Menu (☰ Hamburger Sign)​

Under this menu you have more options:​

  • (Change account, for testing purposes or when you are connected to different entities that use this kind of authentication)​
  • (Set your app in Dark Mode)​
  • (Change your Language: Fr, Eng, Chn, Esp, Ita)​

On the bottom you will see the following text:​

your emailaddress (loginaccount) @ Vlerick Production​

Authenticator 6 on YOURDEVICE​

@2024 inWebo​