
Karel Vanherle

Doctoral Researcher, Accounting & Finance

Karel’s research focuses on how corporate culture impacts organisational resilience and performance.

Karel Vanherle is a Doctoral Researcher at our Centre for Financial Leadership and Digital Transformation. His research examines how cultural control influences organisational resilience, and the effects of corporate culture on short and long-term performance. Karel’s research is a collaboration between Vlerick Business School, KU Leuven, and the University of Groningen.

He focuses on how cultural variety and stakeholder alignment affect key resilience factors – including financial health and employee turnover. His research aims to reveal how corporate culture can be leveraged to enhance resilience and improve success and adaptability in changing environments.

Karel also provides co-teaching support on our Masters programmes – contributing to the Cost Accounting and the Financial and Strategic Management course, under the supervision of Professor Aleksandra Klein.

Who am I?

  • Doctoral Researcher at Vlerick Business School and KU Leuven
  • Master in European Economic Studies at the College of Europe
  • Master in Business Engineering at KU Leuven
  • Bachelor in Business Engineering at KU Leuven

My expertise

  • Management accounting
  • Corporate culture
  • Organisational resilience
  • Textual analysis

Get in touch!

Karel Vanherle

Karel Vanherle

PHD researcher