Following an MBA can be hectic , overwhelming but it can also mean a lot of fun - and the same can be said for being a dad. When you’re juggling being an MBA participant and a dad at the same time, things can get pretty crazy. Giuseppe Pacileo (2017 graduate Executive MBA Weekend) shares his experience of being a father during the MBA programme at Vlerick Business school.
"Doing an MBA requires a big commitment and focus. It impacts your private life as a husband and father. But if you plan, schedule and organise, you can minimise those impacts and find a way to spend quality time with your family.
I had a 7 year-old son when I started my MBA, and my daughter arrived in the middle of the programme. Even though I knew my entire family would benefit from my degree, it was very sad for me at first to be busy studying on the weekends and not be able to spend time with my kids.
Thankfully, the Vlerick community is very understanding and supportive. When I announced the news about Martina, I felt the focused attention of the participants, the professors and the staff. They gave me the chance to really share the moment. Plus, the majority of my fellow participants already had kids, so we could share common experiences, especially during the Vlerick family days. It’s very energising to know that you’re not the only one!"
Ambitious, driven and ready to fast-forward your career? But can’t take time out from your professional life to study? That’s where Vlerick’s Executive MBA comes in.
Our flexible programme is designed to work around your schedule. Choose the format that works for you and join us on our campuses in Ghent or Brussels – inspiring spaces where academics, executives, entrepreneurs and business leaders come to network, share insights, develop new ventures and take their thinking to new levels.
Customer Relationship Manager – European, Executive and Online MBA