Professor of Marketing
The latest collaborative piece of research undertaken by PwC and Vlerick focuses on how companies engaged in ‘B2B2C’ relationships manage the power game with their channel partners. It questions how suppliers can reinvent their relationship with channel partners to spur profitable growth. The report, Capture the value you deserve, notes that while in theory the relationship between product manufactures and channel partners should be mutually beneficial, too often the two parties act as enemies, competing for gains, endangering profits and their reputation as a result.
The report determines that suppliers can no longer maintain a business-as-usual position when it comes to distribution and advises them to re-examine all aspects of their relationships using objective, fact-based analyses, to avoid losing value and missing important opportunities. And it offers multiple strategies that have proven effective in creating and capturing value for consumers.
Capture the value you deserve is part PwC/Vlerick’s Getting fit for profitable growth initiative that sees the two parties working together to investigate the models and drivers behind profitable growth.
Download the report 'Capture the value you deserve'.