Getting an Executive MBA at age 45+

Learn more about our alumni's perspectives

Across the world, the average age of people taking an MBA is between 35-40 years old. But step inside an Executive MBA classroom here at Vlerick, and you may notice something interesting about our participants.

Yes, there are plenty of 30-40 year-olds taking part. But we also have an increasing number of professionals deciding to take an Executive MBA in their 50s.    

Patricia Engels is about to graduate from Vlerick’s European Executive MBA. She has had a long and successful career in HR – with a CV that features roles such as Global Head of Talent, Head of L&D and Head of Talent Management for a number of leading European organisations.

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Learning and re-learning new topics

In her early 50s, the Dutch national decided that she wanted a reset. She loved her work – but felt there was a lot more to learn, particularly around sustainability.

She says: “Five to ten years ago, subjects like data and AI weren’t talked about in HR. Sustainability wasn’t the pressing topic it is today. Now these are vitally important subjects.

“I first started thinking about taking an Executive MBA to broaden my skillet. I also had a strong interest in sustainability – which is what drew me to Vlerick’s European Executive MBA.”

She also says that being further along in your career can often mean having fewer childcare commitments – and more time to focus on yourself.

The kids have left home

Benjamin Pinkert – a senior marketer at Vlerick – agrees. He says: “Many of the professionals we speak to have waited for their kids to become more independent before they started seriously considering an MBA.

“Other reasons are that new business needs have emerged – like sustainability. Our Executive MBA programmes give participants a completely new appreciation for the importance that business has to play in the transition. And it gives them tools and ideas on how to make a positive impact – right at the point in your career when you have the seniority to make a real difference.

“More experienced participants are also pleasantly surprised that they develop even more confidence throughout the programme. An Executive MBA constantly pushes you to learn things that are different, difficult and new – and apply them. With each milestone achieved, confidence builds. Our participants realise that any new topic can be learned, and any new skill acquired. It’s a growth mindset that can be developed at any age.”

Transitioning to a portfolio career

Which is perhaps why Patricia is far from being the most experienced member of her cohort. Her fellow Executive MBA participants include a 50+ engineer and company owner – and a 50+ marketing professional.

So what’s driving more experienced professionals to seek an Executive MBA as their next step?

One factor is that we’re all living longer. And while many of us are looking to change gears in our 50s and 60s, increasing numbers of people don’t want to give up work altogether.

Patricia says: "I think there was a time when an MBA was something that people did in their mid-30s. But 50 is the new 35! It's the age at which you think, I've achieved a great deal in my career – but I still have more to give… but perhaps I want to do it in different ways.

Redefining your career – and yourself

"In your 50s, you perhaps want to switch to a more portfolio stage of your career. You may want to take on non-executive director roles. An Executive MBA gives you the space to redefine your career for yourself and understand what direction you want to take in your most experienced years.

"Doing an Executive MBA gives you an opportunity to consolidate everything you already know and refocus it – so that you can move to a new stage.”

Benjamin adds: “There is never a right or wrong time to do an MBA. What we are seeing is that many people are coming to the Executive MBA in the second half of their career – and we couldn’t be happier to welcome them.”

If you’re over 45 and considering an Executive MBA, get in touch. We’d love to hear about your experience – and about your plans for the next stage of your career.

Get in touch!

Inge Thienpont

Inge Thienpont

Customer Relationship Manager – European, Executive and Online MBA