Professor of Marketing
Visiting Professor of Nonmarket Strategies
There are many uncertainties that might determine the future of the energy industry in general and the landscape of network operation in particular. According to the Vlerick Energy Centre together with a team of European industry leaders two of these uncertainties call for deeper analysis as they are more relevant and most likely game changers for the power grid industry: consumer involvement and decentralised generation.
Depending on the level of consumer involvement in energy choices and the amount of decentralisation of the energy resources four scenarios were developed on how the energy market in Europe could look like in 2030. The co-creation process was supervised by Prof Paul Schoemaker, the world-leading scenario-planning expert from Wharton School.
Leonardo Meeus, professor of Energy Markets at Vlerick Business School: “I believe in a future with high decentralisation and high customer participation in the European power grid. Through their participation in our training programme and debates, the companies we work with are actively evaluating the consequences of such evolution on their business. I also think that energy regulators and policy makers should be part of this process as they have an important role to play. Customers have been pampered by the energy sector with a universal protection, keeping them largely passive. Customer empowerment should go hand-in-hand with accountability.”
Daniël Dobbeni, Chairman of the Vlerick Energy Centre: "For the last twenty years, policies have been driving the change in the power business. The next decades will see technology coming back in the driving seat. Communities of prosumers, generating and consuming electricity altogether, are already able through Internet to jointly balance generation with demand. Storage is getting closer and closer to our homes. Energy neutral buildings are a reality. Micro generation delivering electricity and heat is getting ready to become reality. The future of power systems is knocking on the door. Being able to adapt the company culture and its business model before it is too late is now, not tomorrow!"
This scenario is essentially a continuation of the power system that we know today. Most consumers would continue to buy their electricity from a central national or international producer, and have very little reason or inclination to get more involved or generate electricity themselves. Fossil and nuclear fuels are the most important source of energy compared to the more expensive renewable energy solutions.
Effect on TSOs and DSOs
The European TSO and DSO landscape remains stable while some of the roles slowly evolve. Overall, the grid companies have concentrated on operational excellence, and being strong targets for global financial investors because of the stable revenue they provide. This has made it difficult for new players to enter and get a foothold in the power grid business.
Effect on TSOs and DSOs
The DSO landscape is likely to remain stable.
TSOs will have released part of their monopoly. This has consolidated the TSO market into regional clusters and has given opportunities for the strongest European players to get involved in other European markets besides their own domestic market. With TSOs now increasingly regulated, there are simply some projects they’d prefer to share the financial risk or not to get involved in – cross border connections for example. This has led to other private companies stepping in to the breach, spurring competition.
Effect on TSOs and DSOs
DSOs have become the core providers of energy services, while TSOs continue to deliver back-up power for emergencies and contingencies. New players now take on a leading role, particularly as they have been able to import innovative solutions from around the world in a kind of reverse Innovation Revolution.
Effect on TSOs and DSOs
Both TSOs and DSOs have had to reinvent themselves to compete with the new players, but this has been good for the industry and for the consumer. Yet, the radical nature of the transition bears a risk to create stranded assets in the legacy system to an unprecedented extent.
About the Vlerick Energy Centre
The Vlerick Energy Centre is a multi-disciplinary research platform for discussing the future of energy, focusing on the roles of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs). Its flagship international executive education programme − The Future Grid Managers Programme − is a joint initiative with the Florence School of Regulation, which tackles the management challenges and opportunities specific to DSOs and TSOs in the energy industry in Europe.