If you’re currently deciding which business school to attend, you’ll know that your choices are vast. There are thousands of options out there. So how do you cut through the noise and find the business school that will give you the biggest boost to your career?
There is one factor that will help you to identify the top 1% of business schools across the whole world – and it’s this: triple accreditation, or the triple crown.
The best-of-the-best business schools have triple accreditation – and we’re very proud to say that Vlerick is one of them. We have had a triple accreditation for almost 20 years – and we’re the only business school in Belgium to have reached this world-class standard. It’s an indication of the gold standard of our school, our faculty, our approach to teaching – and the career outcomes of our alumni. When you’re choosing the right school for you, this is why triple accreditation matters.
When a business school is accredited, it means it’s been assessed by independent, external bodies and found to reach – and surpass – their vigorous standards. The three most important accreditation organisations are:
The three accreditation bodies each assess different aspects of a business school’s offer:
Very few business schools achieve the extraordinarily high standards required to be accredited by all three bodies. In fact, only 1% of business schools worldwide have triple accreditation. It’s no surprise, then, that triple accreditation is also known as the triple crown.
The triple crown shows you that a school is both excellent and well-rounded. This is because schools can’t get triple accreditation unless they offer ultra-high quality in a number of areas – including standards of research, quality of teaching, high levels of interaction between faculty and programme participants – and proven outcomes for alumni. In short, triple accreditation means you get a school that delivers excellence across the board.
Another important reason to choose a school with the triple crown is that they focus relentlessly on making sure their teaching and research is at the cutting edge. This is because schools have to re-apply for accreditation every three to five years – so they work tirelessly to keep their standards consistently high.
There are approximately 15,000 business schools across the world today – and every year, thousands of people graduate from them, eager to take their next career step. The very best employers might evaluate hundreds of CVs each year. As they do this, they’re looking for graduates of triple crown business schools. Why? Because they know these graduates will have received the highest-quality business education – and will be ready to hit the ground running.
Conclusion? If you’re looking for a gold standard – and a way to choose the very best business school for you – the message is, look for the triple crown. Good luck on your journey – and we hope you make great choices as you start out.
Vlerick is one of the top 25 business schools in Europe – and the number one business school in Belgium. Our programmes give you practical, hands-on experience, innovative approaches – and safe spaces to build your confidence and skillset. At Vlerick you start a journey where you live and learn – so you can leap into career of your dreams. We’re on hand with career guidance – and with support throughout your professional life.
We offer six masters programmes:
Get a taste of Vlerick and join one of our upcoming events, contact us to schedule a conversation or chat directly with our alumni and current students.
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