
Supply Chain Strategy

Build a strategy-driven, sustainable and resilient supply chain


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in Open Executive Education in Belgium and #27 worldwide

Develop a new approach to supply chain strategy and implementation, based on Sales and Operation Planning (S&OP). You’ll learn to integrate strategy, finance and sustainability to develop a resilient supply chain. This  programme has been designed to be both strategic and practical, empowering cross-functional teams of 3-5 colleagues to develop integrated supply chain strategies for their organisations.

Detailed programme

Through a blend of online and on-campus learning, you and your colleagues develop a supply chain strategy to address a challenge in your own organisation. You learn to balance the needs and trade-offs of resilience, sustainability and profit.

Module 1: Online kick-off

  • Learn the basics of integrating strategy, supply chain and finance
  • Identify and describe your organisation’s challenge – and get sponsorship from the P&L owner

Module 2: Dive deep into supply chain strategy – three days on campus

  • Discover how to model supply chain strategy – and include sustainability in trade-offs
  • Know how to map the impact of trade-offs, using a seven-step methodology
  • Learn how different strategies result in different supply chains and financial structures
  • Benchmark your company using public financial data
  • Start to use Integrated Value Planning – a new approach for sales and operations planning – to eliminate disconnects between sales, supply chain and financial planning
  • Understand the maturity of your own organisation – and begin to implement new approaches in order to grow your maturity
  • Be inspired by testimonials and case studies from MSF, Vandemoortele, MediaMarkt Saturn, Ricoh, Patagonia, Tony's Chocolonely and 3M

Module 3: Turn concepts into concrete plans – three weeks later

  • Present your draft action plan for your company to your peers, receive feedback and get ready to present to your P&L owner
  • Debrief your peers after you meet with your P&L owner – and reflect on further improvements and learnings.
Visual Supply Chain Strategy EN desktop

Why this programme

  • Bring together key professionals in your organisation to create an integrated, sustainable and resilient supply chain strategy – with the support of leading experts
  • Gain tools that empower you to work across functions including sales, finance, supply chain and operations
  • Know how to connect strategic positioning, supply chain design, sustainability and financial impact
  • Develop a practical framework that’s strategically aligned, and can flex in dynamic markets
  • Implement agility at both strategic and tactical levels
  • Network with supply chain professionals from leading companies

Who should attend

  • Cross-functional teams of 3-5 people – commercial, financial, supply chain and operations
  • Middle to senior managers in strategic planning
  • To attend, teams must bring a supply chain challenge from their organisation, and be sponsored by a P&L owner


Bram Desmet

Bram Desmet

Adjunct Professor of Decision Sciences

Bram Desmet is passionate about supply chain, strategy and advanced analytics

Ann Vereecke

Ann Vereecke

Professor of Operations Management

Ann Vereecke advises on the supply chain that best fits your strategy and products.

Kurt Verweire

Kurt Verweire

Professor of Strategy

Kurt Verweire is a specialist in helping companies to develop and implement winning business strategies. 

Get in touch!

Annelies Claeys

Annelies Claeys

Project Manager New Business