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Successful Strategy Execution

Drive your organisation further with a winning strategy


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in Executive Education according to the Financial Times


for Learning Impact


former participants

Developing a winning strategy is only half the battle – you’ve also got to execute it.

What’s involved in creating a solid strategy for your business? How do you get buy-in from key stakeholders? And how do you translate your strategy into concrete actions which drive your organisation forward?

In this insights-packed, three-day programme, you’ll live and learn what it takes to develop a great strategy – and discover how to take the leap into executing it successfully in your organisation.

Detailed programme

This three-day, face-to-face programme gives you the knowledge to confidently execute strategy…

Module 1: Creating winning business strategies

  • Learn how to turn your mission and vision into an actionable strategy
  • Assess whether your strategy is enough to achieve your organisation’s goals
  • Discover how to make sure your strategy is focused and differentiated

Module 2: The strategy implementation engine

  • Explore the key elements which make up a powerful implementation engine – and learn how to build one
  • Identify your company’s operating model and how to align it with strategy implementation actions
  • Understand the power of aligning operations and strategy
  • Learn how companies implement strategy in practice – and understand the role your organisation’s maturity plays

Module 3: From implementation to strategy mapping

  • Discover how to communicate your strategy to stakeholders
  • Know what strategic goals should be in your strategy map – and how to align them with your implementation objectives
  • Learn how to develop KPIs
  • Understand how to organise a strategy mapping exercise

Module 4: How to get everybody on board in the strategy journey - the importance of change

  • Dive into why strategy implementation involves change
  • Discover how to get everyone on board and energised with your strategy implementation journey
  • Explore how to link strategic decisions made at the top with concrete actions at the bottom
  • Find out about the batteries of change model – and how this model can help companies dealing with turbulence

Why this programme

  • Know how to define and explain your strategy to your company’s stakeholders
  • Identify what needs to change across your organisation to successfully implement strategy
  • Create an environment where employees think and act strategically
  • Measure your organisation’s ability to implement strategy
  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your strategy implementation efforts
  • Determine the measures your organisation needs to take to improve performance levels

Who should attend

  • Managers, general managers and directors
  • Experienced decision-makers who are responsible for defining their organisation’s future
  • Professionals who are responsible for implementing strategy


Carine Peeters

Carine Peeters

Professor of Strategy

Carine Peeters is a firm believer in boosting company performance through people.

Kurt Verweire

Kurt Verweire

Professor of Strategy

Kurt Verweire is a specialist in helping companies to develop and implement winning business strategies. 

Kristof Stouthuysen

Kristof Stouthuysen

Professor of Management Accounting & Digital Finance

Kristof Stouthuysen drives sustainable value creation with management accountancy – and leverages technology to make better financial decisions.

Get in touch!